Citizen SurveyI’d like to take a moment and thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. This survey provides important information as a quality assurance tool to measure how the Sandwich Police Department is meeting the public safety needs of the community. The results are used to enhance policing services and to direct the department as we strive to provide the most responsive, cost efficient and compassionate police services possible. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your answers are completely confidential. Please note that this survey is not to be used to file a complaint. If you are looking to file a complaint please go to the Complaint Process section of the website. Again, I thank you for allowing us to evaluate our overall effectiveness to the community and I do sincerely appreciate you taking the time to make us aware of how we can improve, meet or exceed our expected professional levels. - Peter N. Wack, Chief of Police Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Agency's Overall Performance *ExcellentGoodFairPoorCommentsComments for "Agency's Overall Performance"Employee's Overall Performance *ExcellentGoodFairPoorCommentsComments for "Employee's Overall Performance"Citizen's Perception of Officer's Attitudes & Behavior *ExcellentGoodFairPoorCommentsComments for "Citizen's Perception of Officer's Attitudes & Behavior"Community Concern Over Safety *ExcellentGoodFairPoorCommentsComments for "Community Concern Over Safety"Citizen's Recommendation & Suggestions for Improvements *Citizen's Name (optional)FirstLastCitizen's Email (optional)[email protected]Date of Incident:mm/dd/yyyyReporting Date:mm/dd/yyyyIncident #:Incident Type:Reporting Officer:Reporting Dispatcher:Submit