Citizens Academy

Patch - Digital 2011The Sandwich Police Department’s Citizens Police Academy is a thirteen week program designed to familiarize our citizens with the structure and function of the Sandwich Police Department and the role of its officers within our community. Classes meet once a week in the evening from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. The program is open to any resident or business owner of Sandwich who is 18 years of age or older. The Citizens Academy usually runs once a year from mid February to June.


Topics include criminal law, constitutional law, use of force, officer survival, patrol procedures, the court process, drug enforcement, major crimes and investigations, special units, firearms safety with a range segment and much more. The program also offers field trips to the Barnstable County Correctional Facility and Barnstable District Court. Students will also be given an opportunity to ride along on patrol for four hours.

Applications are available at the dispatch window or this link: Citizens Academy Application

All applicants will be screened for suitability prior to admission to the class.



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